Appealing Divorce And Family Law Decisions In Massachusetts
Many people would be frustrated after going through a tiresome, stressful and complicated divorce or family matter process to end up with an unfair result. One available option when that happens is to appeal the decision.
At Callahan | Barraco, we believe that our clients should have a chance to argue for a more favorable outcome in a family matter case. Our Westborough attorneys can help review a court’s decision and strategize on what steps they should take next.
What Decisions Can You Appeal?
Most family law decisions, including those involving property division, custody and parenting time, can be appealed within certain time limits. An appeal usually challenges the court’s decision based on the idea that the decision violated the law, was an abuse of discretion or did not consider all the evidence.
How Does The Appeal Process Work?
For family matters in Massachusetts, a Notice of Appeal can be filed within 30 days of the original court decision. There is a $300 fee when the the appeal is docketed in the Appeals Court. Once filed, the entire process can take several months to over a year, depending on the complexity of the family matter.
What If An Appeal Is Unsuccessful?
An appeal is not an opportunity to retry a case. A successful appeal may involve a reversal of the court’s decision, or it may include a remand to the lower court for a new trial. If an appeal is unsuccessful, you may be able to petition for a rehearing or request further appellate review by the Supreme Judicial Court. This is why it is so important to have an experienced lawyer on your side from the start.
Seek Strong Representation For Family Legal Matters
Our experienced family law lawyers have helped many clients over the years. If you are seeking to appeal a court’s decision, then you should reach out to a lawyer at Callahan | Barraco by calling 508-271-7963 or filling out our online form.