Solutions As Unique As The Problems They Solve

, Photo of attorneys Irena Inman, David L Callahan, Dahlia Bonzagni and Laurel A Barraco ,

Don’t Let Divorce Happen To You. Make A Plan.

“Divorce planning” sounds like a contradiction in terms to many people. Few people expect to go through a divorce when they get married. Despite marital troubles along the way, it can take time for triggers for divorce to reach their culmination. Nonetheless, when you suspect that your marriage is on the rocks and may be headed for dissolution, you have an opportunity. You can get a head start on the difficult and perhaps complex processes ahead of you by working closely with a lawyer, even before any legal action has begun.

At Callahan | Barraco in Westborough, we are both compassionate and businesslike in our counsel for people approaching divorce. We can help you develop a strategy and checklist well in advance of the appearance of a divorce petition.

Get Your Ducks In A Row

The process of uncoupling can be drawn-out, painful and disorienting. You may wish to pursue divorce alternatives before finalizing a split. For example, you and your spouse might go through a trial separation, undergo therapy and/or create a postnuptial agreement. In the meantime, when you anticipate a divorce in the not-too-far-off future, you can begin acting to protect your interests no matter what happens. It can be immensely useful to take tangible steps to:

Let our experienced attorneys help you articulate your priorities and act accordingly to safeguard them. Some valuable first steps might include:

  • Creating an inventory of marital assets
  • Keeping a log of parenting activities that you take responsibility for
  • Getting counseling
  • Reviewing insurance policies
  • Creating contingency plans regarding real estate, travel and other key areas of your life

Even if your potential divorce does not happen after all, planning for it can strengthen your sense of stability and self-direction even within your marriage, if it continues. A family law attorney can help you create an outline of areas that will require legal solutions if you do divorce or separate from your spouse.

Our Property Division Attorneys Are Here For You.

The divorce lawyers at Callahan | Barraco can help you avoid costly mistakes when divorce is looming in front of you. Devise a plan to determine and protect what matters most to you as your marriage seems to be on the way to dissolution.

Call 508-271-7963  or send us a message to request a consultation with a lawyer who can help you through this difficult process.